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Drive your leads to more sales with AI-powered & data-driven personalization

Unleash the full potential of every email you send with our advanced personalization technology. 

See what Leaddrive can do

Get a live demo and see what Leaddrive is capable to do for your brand or try it out for yourself with 2500 free emails on our free tier. 

When good enough is not enough

In a world where more and more content will be AI-generated, our goal is to create a platform that allows YOU and YOUR brand to remain unique and in control of what is generated. We aim to provide a solution that is not a one-click solution or a black box. Where you are able to create a truly unique message that resonates both with your customers and with your brand. Transparency is at our core and that why we have build features to support that.

Stay in control with our features

The Prompt Designer is a powerful and intuitive tool designed to put you in the driver’s seat of content creation. With this feature, you have the freedom to craft unique email prompts that reflect the voice and ethos of your brand. It enables you to maintain granular control over the tone, style, and personalization of your emails. Whether you’re announcing a new product, nurturing leads, or engaging loyal customers, the Prompt Designer ensures that your messages are not only personalized but also deeply resonate with your audience. This feature empowers you to break free from generic templates and create highly personalized email content that stands out in a crowded inbox.

The Data Engine is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of data-driven marketing. By leveraging data from your leads, this feature enables you to gain deeper insights into your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and needs. It seamlessly integrates with your existing databases, allowing you to harness the power of your data for customized email campaigns. With the Data Engine, you can tailor your messaging based on specific data points, ensuring that each email you send is relevant and engaging to the recipient. This level of customization not only enhances the effectiveness of your campaigns but also fosters stronger connections with your audience.

The Realtime Text Preview feature revolutionizes the way you create and refine your email content. This innovative tool allows you to view and edit your emails in real-time, giving you immediate feedback on how your text looks and sounds. Whether you’re fine-tuning the wording, adjusting the flow, or experimenting with different calls to action, the Realtime Text Preview ensures that every aspect of your email is polished and precise. This immediate, on-the-fly editing capability significantly reduces the time and effort required to perfect your emails, enabling you to craft compelling messages that truly resonate with your audience.

With the Mail Visualizer, seeing is believing. This feature offers a groundbreaking way to visualize how your generated text will appear within your meticulously designed Klaviyo templates. It bridges the gap between content creation and design, providing a seamless integration that ensures your emails are not only compelling in message but also stunning in presentation. The Mail Visualizer allows you to preview the final look of your emails before they’re sent, making it easier to adjust layouts, fonts, and images to match your brand’s aesthetic. This ensures that every email you send is a perfect representation of your brand, enhancing engagement and driving results.

Each of these features is crafted to empower you with the tools needed for crafting highly personalized, effective, and visually appealing email campaigns. With Leaddrive, you’re equipped to elevate your email marketing to new heights, ensuring your brand’s voice is heard loud and clear.

Create better experiences for everyone



Personalize every email you send

Simply connect your Klaviyo account with an API key. Build your AI mail templates with in our Template designer. Test and see everything realtime with our Data Engine, Text Preview and Mail Visualizer. When you are satisfied with how the generated emails look, simply turn them on inside of Klaviyo and see the magic happen.

How Leaddrive works

Transform Insights into Impactful Engagement: Leaddrive’s automation capabilities take your customized templates and supercharge them with hyper-personalized content for each recipient. Predictive analytics and deep data integration mean every email feels like a one-on-one conversation, significantly boosting engagement rates, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, sales.

Craft Your Own Email Masterpieces: With Leaddrive’s intuitive template builder, you’re the artist of your email campaigns. Design unique prompt templates that capture the essence of your brand and the attention of your customers. Our platform gives you the freedom to create emails that stand out, ensuring your messages are always one-of-a-kind.

Leaddrive integrates seamlessly with your Klaviyo account, turning rich customer insights into actionable intelligence. Harness profile information, purchase history, and browsing behaviors to deeply understand your audience. With Leaddrive, your data isn’t just numbers—it’s the foundation of every personalized email you send.

Free tier

Get started with AI-driven personalization and see how Leaddrive can improve your emails at no cost. 

Our Free Tier Plan lets you send up to 2,500 personalized emails each month through seamless Klaviyo integration. Create engaging content with our simplified language model and see your emails come to life with real-time previews and template renders. This plan is perfect for businesses wanting to try enhancing their marketing emails with personalized messages that resonate with each recipient.

Explore the Power of Email Marketing with Our Free Tier Plan

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The team

Asbjørn Thomsen

Carl-Johan Beurling